Parachute - soft landings for hard times

We help struggling businesses and successful businesses to be prepared for what the future holds.

Being prepared is what Parachute is all about.
It’s not a leap, it’s a simple step.

Making a fall with a controlled landing

Why Parachute?

Why Parachute?

We believe in being prepared in advance and knowing that in a crisis there’s a solution.

Parachute is all about fixing problems before they become catastrophic and turning a crisis into a solution.

It is not advisable to jump out of planes as a rule, but those that have, experience a true free fall and then the sudden (and welcome) opening of the parachute; and the soft landing thereafter.

Let us help you with this experience.

We're with you

We’re with you

No-one started a business with the intent of being unsuccessful. Whether you’re already in free fall, trying to ‘turn it around’ or simply need someone to take a tandem-leap with you – we’re here.

Ensuring soft landings and making sure you can start again – Parachute is here for you.

Obligation Free Help

How We Help – Obligation Free


Sit down, have a bare coffee, and have a confidential talk about the problem.

Health Check.

Do a simple health check on your business (not a template, but a customised paper following on from our initial chat).


Consult with our expert team and start your unique strategy.


We’ll talk to you, your stakeholders and even staff about possible solutions and what the future looks like.

Turn It Around or Land Safe.

With honesty and integrity, we’ll aim to turn your business around or if we have to, we’ll create a soft landing.


What we love about problems is that they cannot exist without a solution; they have no meaning otherwise. That’s our philosophy. We just fix things.

Our Promise

Our Promise

We are on this journey with you;
providing expert business advice, Human Resources, legal services, advertising and marketing, sales and staff training, mediation and mentoring.

Our people have dealt with thousands of businesses over several evolving decades. We are a one-stop solution team.

The Parachute Team.

